Pak White Salwar Kameez Problem With N64 Expansion Pak?

Problem with n64 expansion pak? - pak white salwar kameez

I have a new expansion pack on my N64 and Yobo did not work so I passed the old and the work now no longer. I have an expansion pack original Nintendo. I'm in and that it does not work. I do not understand what could be the problem. Forces in the system, but nothing appears on the screen only a white flash, then black. The problem is not with the cables, since replaced by new ones.
And I also tryed blowing games and other countries.


technoge... said...

The N64 is 10 + years, and since the expansion Paks are cartridges that are easily broken, because at that time there was nothing to protect them. Furthermore, EPS are trying and trying to get the brand, most likely defective.

makingsn... said...

Id say keep trying for the packings.

you're gonna have trouble finding help on the site. this thing is so outdated.

But will even if all else fails, you will probly just buy a new tariff system in a local game store or on eBay. that everywhere. I still have mine and it works perfectly

rustynai... said...

a new PS3, for example,

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