List Of Symptoms In Order Of The Black Death Which Antidepressant For The Following Symptoms?

Which Antidepressant for the following Symptoms? - list of symptoms in order of the black death

Specific antidepressants, other drugs or adjuvant treatment is recommended for someone with these symptoms (which I listed in order of importance, starting with the most important):

1. Severe anxiety, including the daily fear of future panic attack, similar to a panic disorder.
2. A panic attack at least once a week, especially when the subject of home away, but sometimes, though rarely, as at home. Panic is irrational fear, chest pain, dizziness. (Near panic disorder with agoraphobia, but the relief is not always known to go home.)
3. A tension headache experienced at least once a week.
4. Fear of death and the irrational fear of the disease, similar to hypochondria.
5. Once a month, a surreal depersonalization, severe anxiety that, similarly accompanied Depersonalization Disorder.

I have never taken any drugs, but I've read that antidepressants can help the above. Thank you for your help.


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