French Bmi Am I Crazy? Is This An Eating Disorder?

Am I crazy? Is this an eating disorder? - french bmi

I hate how fat I am. 5'4''y I weigh 125th I know that my BMI is healthy, but I can not help me. Every time I imagined my body, I feel disgusted. I did not eat or drink anything yesterday aything water. Today I felt a little thin ... But then I went to lunch and I feel so fat. I had a salad and French fries. She thought of Essen 10 French fried, because thats 100 calories ... I could not stop, but I myself had at least 30! I feel guilty when I eat, I was sick before I feel I may have eaten too much, he would today, but I have a sore throat, I have to sing at a later date. I want thin enough to see my ribs and I weigh 100 pounds ... or less. I only eat when I'm with my friends and my family ... and sometimes I go with them to eat. I want to be thin so much! I know that it is foolish to starve ... but somehow my mind thinks it's the only way to be nice. I felt the only way for a few weeks, but I'm afraid to say anything.


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