Brazil Buildings Pictures I Want A Major Cultural Change/experience For My Next Exchange Program - Read Inside (About Brazil).?

I want a major cultural change/experience for my next exchange program - Read inside (About Brazil).? - brazil buildings pictures

Moin! (:
I am currently an exchange student in Germany, and I'm originially United States. I'm staying here for a year, but I noticed in Germany, really not too different from the United States and I think that for the cause.
So for my 2nd Son relationship, I go to South America. The problem is that we can decide whether Brazil will be a big culture shock.
I spoke with my friend who is a semester abroad in Argentina now, and they said it was a big culture shock. She sees the poverty, potholes in the streets even major cities are the dilapidated buildings, and so on. And I decided that exactly where I want to do!
But, I'm gay. And my friend lives in Bolivia, said that Brazil is much more tolerant of gay and have a much better time in Brazil.
But in my opinion, and I think most people with knowledge of the matter, Brazil is much more .. Well .. richer, Type 1-world, so that other South American countries, which I feel like a cult is not large enoughAcid shock, what I feel in Bolivia or Venezuela, Argentina and Chile?
I would therefore
Brazil is 1 in the world that other countries in South America? Do I get a big culture shock, or just a little? I want to see poverty in Brazil, often or rarely? There is no paved roads? Raggedy building was in Brazil, even in big cities? Is it too would be streamlined, and a great culture shock inducing experience?
I hope that you now what I'm trying to do to respond - please with such considerations as possible! Thank you!

Liebe Grüße,
Matthew Morris

(By the way - you can e-mail to or add me on or pifft / Send pifft if you have lots of details! But please answer this first question, Thank you much! )


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