Levels Of Autism Can My Son Develop Autism After 2 Years Of Age?

Can my son develop autism after 2 years of age? - levels of autism

My nephew was diagnosed for many years. Finally, at the age of 10 he discovered the high level of autism. He believed that language problems and at the school for years. My son, now 18 months old, has no symptoms, which I just read online. My question is, could develop autism, say, after 2 years. So far, everything I read the signs and symptoms until the age of 2.

"No big smiles or other warm, expression of joy or six months after

"No sharing travel sounds, smiles or facial expressions or nine months after

"No nonsense at 12 months

"No-to-side movements such as pointing, showing, reaching or waving by 12 months

"Not a word of 16 months

N-two-word meaningful phrases (without imitating them or repeating) by 24 months

"Any loss of speech or babbling or social skills at any age

So far, what you can do all these things. What is fever?


Q. said...

There are several types and degrees of autism. Some do not speak slang, while others spoke almost no skill.

Autism varies in severity and symptoms and may go unnoticed, especially in the affected slightly.

Many people also Autim unusual ways of learning, attention or response to different sensations. The thinking and learning abilities of people Autim can vary - from talent to serious difficulties.

Autism begins before the age of 3 and lasts throughout a person's life. It occurs in all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups and is four times more common in boys than in girls.

Researchers do not know the cause of autism, but it is likely that genetics and environment play a role.

erin said...

Many children who are not diagnosed or misdiagnosed and just not tell the parents that there is a real problem, he did not speak until the Kid '. It appears that your son is doing well .... But you can never be confirmed, one hundred percent of nothing. If you think there are potential problems have reviewed it. Take a deep breath and relax, Dad. They wonder and worry about all sorts of things for the next 20 years! Share stress if the signs are obvious, you know?

erin said...

Many children who are not diagnosed or misdiagnosed and just not tell the parents that there is a real problem, he did not speak until the Kid '. It appears that your son is doing well .... But you can never be confirmed, one hundred percent of nothing. If you think there are potential problems have reviewed it. Take a deep breath and relax, Dad. They wonder and worry about all sorts of things for the next 20 years! Share stress if the signs are obvious, you know?

Blunt said...

IIT is not so, you can "develop" autism, autism can be diagnosed with stage of the child, but amateurism in the primary during the phase of development in childhood can be controlled instictual had retired, and the symptoms measurable real intellectual and cognitive development .

Good luck

too2swee... said...

In the autism spectrum disorders, it is called a rare form
Childhood disintegration disorder. Here is some information about it.

Very few children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis meet the criteria for this disorder (CSD). An estimate based on four surveys of ASD have fewer than two children per 100,000 with ASD could be classified as CDD. This suggests that CDD is a very rare form of the CIA. He has a strong male predominance .** Symptoms may in 2 years, but the average age of onset is 3 to 4 years. Until then, the child is age appropriate communication skills and social relationships. The long period of normal development before regression of Rett syndrome, CDD helps to distinguish. The loss of skills such as vocabulary are more dramatic in CDD than in classic autism. The diagnosis requires heavy casualties and said the involvement of motor, language and social skills .*** CDD is also affected by a loss of control of bowel or bladder and sometimes convulsions and an accompanying very low IQ.

But, again asA poster above said, there is no way of knowing in advance that this was not so long that he does not fear that this could happen will be the case.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they have discovered my sister had autism when she 3rd

It's a nightmare I hope you have other children, because many sibbling Sufers

Pam said...

Yes, I am afraid it is possible that everything that happens long enough, and the books say that they should do, and everything changes one day. But it is not necessary to sit and worry about something that may change. You have done your homework and know what to look for. So be careful of any signs or if you have something that causes concern you seek professional help and tell them to see their family history. If you notice something is, is an early intervention is the key to a happy ending and a bright future. For the moment, just enjoy this precious time in the life of your child will probably laugh before you know!

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