Dog Grave What Can I Put On My Dog's Grave?

What Can I Put On My Dog's Grave? - dog grave

My dog was euthanized Monday night at 9:35 and is buried in the garden will always look at the situation in my garden and know where he is buried, I laid in his grave, and more flowers


Joey Crawford is love said...

Msybr you can get a big rock in a rock and find a way to carve, or simply write his name. Sharpie Evepaint or work. So I always saw her name when she saw in her garden! Perhaps you could put your leash, collar or a toy on the grave Fave.


EDIT: Who are they all **** Justin? Moreover, its absence is not kids! Well, you do not have to be angry. I'm not 14 and, as I do the control of the money my parents. Wow. Just effin quiet.

OH, and Khader .... I'm sorry that your dog was very young. It's hard. Sorry and please bear in mind ... This is not your fault.

animalsr... said...

They carry stones marking the grave of numerous books on the care of pets. I'm sorry for your dog, "God Bless

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